Ghost AIO also known as Phantom, is an AIO bot with minimal store support but with a reliable, scalable, and easy to use system in place to make sure you get nothing but the best as far as sneaker copping is concerned.

What is Ghost AIO?

Ghost AIO is now known as Phantom. It is a popular add to cart and checkout software that automates the process of purchasing sneakers from a good number of online stores that sell limited-edition high on demand sneakers. It is pretty difficult, trying to buy limited-edition sneakers because automated software in the form of bots are taking the day – Ghost AIO is one of such bots.

ghost aio

It is a premium bot that, though, does not guarantee you success, comes with some powerful features only paralleled by few top bots that will ensure you succeed in your sneaker copping endeavor. For now, it remains one of the best All in One sneaker bots in the market.

How Does It Work?

The working detail of Phantom (Ghost AIO) is hidden from you because you do not need such information and to avoid showing the sneaker sites their card. What’s important to you is how to get the bot to work for you. To get you to understand better how to use the bot, here’s a video below that will describe to you how the bot is being used.

Ghost AIO Features

Ghost AIO comes with some features that make them an excellent bot for use in copping on numerous sites. Some of these features are discussed below.

Unlimited Task Support

When it comes to the number of tasks allowed, Ghost AIO does not place a restriction – your wallet does as you are allowed to create an unlimited number of tasks. Interestingly, the bot is multithreaded, and as such, it could run a good number of tasks concurrently, thereby making the purchases fast and efficient. However, how many task you can run concurrently is determined by your computer setup.

Supports Popular Sneaker Stores

Ghost AIO is an AIO bot. It supports a good number of sites but not so huge like others support that you end up paying for what you would probably never use. When it comes to sites supported by Ghost AIO, the bot supports all Footsites, Adidas, Yeezy Supply, Finish Line, Supreme, and JD Sports, among a few others.

Real-time Notification

Ghost AIO comes with a notification system that works in a timely manner. For those that have used bots without a real-time notification system in place, they will understand how painful it is to miss out on a drop because of card decline errors and without them knowing to quickly change to other card details. With Ghost AIO, you do not have to worry again as you’re notification in the case of a successful transaction or failure.

Analytics Support

With this bot, you get to know when you’re able to checkout and when you lose out. The bot goes further to let you know the accounts that were successful and the ones that lose out in the drop.

Super Fast

When it comes to the speed of execution, you have to give it up to Ghost AIO as it has been developed into a piece that does not only get its job done but done at a blazing speed. This will reduce your chances of losing out.


For you to get a license key to use Ghost AIO, you have to make a one-time payment of $300, and this will last you for 6 months. After this first 6 months, your subscription will be due for renewal at a price of $150 per 6 months.

Join the League of Ghost AIO Users Today

Ghost AIO has been used by a good number of people, and these people have had success using it. Your story shouldn’t be different if you follow the best practices in sneaker botting and follow the steps highlighted in the video featured above. To become a user of this bot, visit their website and pay for it.


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