AIOX Sneaker Bot
AIOX is the new sneaker bot that can help you stay on top of your copping game. It will help you avoid paying resale and bring the number of losses to the barest minimum while increasing your wins.
What is AIOX?
AIOX sneaker bot is an AIO bot extension. For the uninitiated, AIO is the acronym given to an all in one bot. An all in one sneaker bot is a sneaker bot that can be used for copping sneakers from many sneaker sites. AIOX can be said to be an enhanced AIO bot with some powerful features, free updates, and lowered pricing. This had earned it a good number of customers.
If you are looking for the easiest way to cop those sneaker bots, then this is it – installation of this bot is easier and like-wise its usage because of the easy to use interface that comes with the bot. interestingly, it is a performance beast that can only be rivaled by only some of the best in the market.
How Does It Work?
The AIOX sneaker bot is nothing more than a piece of software that automates the process of purchasing sneakers. Simply put, it replicates your actions but in a faster manner. The bot comes with a user interface for your use. You are to use the user interface to give the bot command. To learn how to command the bot and get it to work effectively, watch the video below.
AIOX Sneaker Bot Features
Below are some of the interesting features that come with the bot.
Multitasking Support
The AIOX sneaker bot was made with the ability to multitask – thanks to its multithreaded support. This means that you can create more than a task, and they will all run concurrently. Because of this feature, the bot comes with the ability for you to add multiple billing profiles as well as shipping profiles. For an average sneakerhead that needs a pair, this feature might not be important, but for a reseller, without this feature, the bot is as good as nothing.
Multiple Site Support
From the name of the bot, it is expected that you can tell that the bot provides support for a good number of sites. the question now is, what are those sites it provides support for. Currently, it provides support for Supreme, Adidas, Nike, Footsites, and many more. This means that you can afford to cop more sneakers with the same bot and as such, the bot can be termed as economical.
User-Friendly Interface
As a beginner, sneaker copping can be a daunting task – add a bot with a complicated interface and see how discouraging it will be. Because of this, the developers of this bot had made the bot to have a friendly interface that even beginners will find easy to use.
If you do not have a thick pocket, AIOX sneaker bot is a good AIO bot for you. This is because it is cheap and provides support for multiple sites. to buy this bot, you have to pay $49.99, and with this, you will enjoy free updates.
Get the Bot Today
As a viable option for beginners with small pockets, AIOX sneaker bot is a bot to look on to. It is functional, easy to use, and affordable. Visit AIOX website and pay for this bot now.